Friday, March 16, 2007

More passing thoughts...

Senator Henry "Pig Nose" Waxman is at it again. You'd think he'd want to get on with the nation's business but no, all he wants to do is investigate, investigate, and investigate more. If this rock doesn't turn something up, then he'll find another until he finds something to appease his, unnatural, paranoid hatred of everything about President George Bush and his administration.

His latest foray has just given a lying, flying Wilson (Valerie Plame) a soapbox to spew her vitriolic hatred of the Bush administration. This whole affair has already been proven to be a farce. Even after her husband was outed in a lie showing that Valerie recommended him for the trip to Niger, she still has the audacity to sit there and say she had nothing to do with it -- a fact acknowledged to the 911 commission by both the CIA and the State department.

As to the Federal Prosecutor issue where 8 were fired, this is another non-issue. What part don't the likes of Schumer, Leheay, and their ilk understand - they are in those positions at the pleasure of the President and he can fire them anytime he wants. I didn't hear any bellowing from these sows when Janet Reno fired all 93 federal prosecutors at one time at the behest of the Clinton White House.

Howard "Bellowing" Dean is gleefully rubbing his hands hoping this will be President Bush's "Watergate". That's all these useless Democrats have been doing for the past 6 or so years -- looking for ways to discredit this administration. Talk about a waste of tax dollars. What imbeciles elect such spineless, disingenuous, hate filled people to congress year in and year out?

Let's not forget Senator John Warner and Hillary Clinton who don't believe homosexuality is immoral. Makes one wonder if Hillary has ever turned the pages on that Bible she so prominently displays when she wants to pretend to be a Christian.

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