Monday, August 31, 2009

Conspirist to question Obama?

For those out there who feel it's only a conspiracy theorist who would question Obama's costly efforts at keeping his past a secret - not just his birth certificate, but also his college records, passport data, or anything else that might shed some light on who this man is, I offer the following:

As to his birth certificate, ok, I'll give him that. Maybe that's too personal of a document to make public regardless of the fact that millions of Americans have had to produce that same document to the various government and non-government agencies in the past. And let's not forget that John McCain produced his when asked.

As to his college records, I'd refer you to the Bush-Kerry Presidential election where Kerry supporters were casting aspersions as to Bush's lack of intellect. The Boston Globe ran an article detailing both candidates' academic achievements. So, there has been precedent in disclosing college records on various presidential candidates.

Then there is the passport data. Obama went to Pakistan in the early 80s. I don't believe Americans were allowed to travel to Pakistan during this timeframe - at least with an American passport. How did Obama get around this? Was he using an Indonesian passport? Did he have an Indonesian PP because he was a dual citizen? Or if he wasn't a dual citizen, did he lie to get into college and obtain grants to pay for his schooling based on his being a foreign student? This question would be answered if his passport data were released.


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